Principal's Message

II extend every one of you, a very warm and hearty welcome to our B.Ed. College. In this college we intend to provide Quality Education as per the norms suggested by National Educational Policy. “All round development of the personality of an individual" is the real goal of education. This is possible only by the collective and equitable responsibility of teachers, students, parents, managements, the state and the central Govt. education policies and their support. When all these five combine together and contribute their best, in discharging their duties and responsibility of students on desired lines. “We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one stands on one’s own feet”. Our college ambition is to become, one of the best colleges of education in the "Teacher Education map" of the state and India. To achieve this noble objective we are committed to the development on the following lines.

  • Raising the quality of teacher Education continuously and by developing the college as one of the centers of "Human resource development" in the ever changing social set up.
  • Serving the cause of education by giving proper lead to the enrichment and progress of the individual and society.
  • Discharging the duties and obligations to the students by the staff on efficient lines.
  • Improving the effectiveness of the "Quality Management System" continuously.
  • Contributing to the improvement of "Educational Climate" in the classrooms and in the campus.
  • Involving the parents and students to know more about the facilities provided in our college through personal contacts and electronic media and establish a good rapport.

Name of the Principal Dr.G. SEKAR
Date of Birth 10.05.1961
Mobile No. +91 80125 21330
Email Id.
Date of Joining 13.06.2019
Educational Qualifications M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., (Edu)..Ph.D (Edu)
Ph.D./NET/SLET Qualification Ph.D
Teaching Experiences 5 Years and 5 months
Scale of Pay Rs.35,000/-
University’s Staff approval Ref.No. TNTEU/R/QA/B.Ed./CC:11837/2020/543    Date: 08.07.2020
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